
Professor Dr. Kazi Saifuddin

Vice Chancellor

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science & Technology University, Pirojpur

  1. Personal Information


Name  :   Professor Dr. Kazi Saifuddin

Aa¨vcK W. KvRx mvBdzÏxb(†MÖW-1)




: + 880-198 511 3649

+ 880-1712119309


: + 880 -2- 9029000 res. + 880 -2- 9583791 off

Web Address





  1. Academic Position (Origin)


Professor (Grade-1), Department of Psychology, Jagannath University, Dhaka 1100


  • Fellowship, Scholarship and Education


  1. University of Cambridge,Visiting Scholar (2013), Department of Experimental Psychology, UK



University of Lancaster,

Visiting Scholar (2006),

Graduate School of Science &




Technology, UK


University of Hanyang,

Visiting Scholar (2001),

School of Architectural Engineering,


South Korea

  1. University of Tokushima, Visiting Scholar (1997-98), Department of Behavioral Science,



  1. Kobe University, Ph.D. (2001), Department of Environmental Planning, Division of Global Developmental Science, Graduate School of Science & Technology, Japan


Dr. Yoichi Ando, Professor Emeritus (Advisor): “Duration Sensation in Relation to the Autocorrelation Function of Sound Stimuli


  1. Taught Courses as part of PhD:
    1. Human Interface, Human Engineering Laboratory, Mitsubishi Company, Amagasaki,



  1. Multi-modal Information Processing, Human Engineering Laboratory, Mitsubishi Company, Amagasaki, Japan


  1. Adaptation Mechanism in Animals, Wave Engineering & Virtual World Laboratory, Nara Science City, Japan


  1. Cognitive Processes of Sensory Information and Affection, Wave Engineering & Virtual World Laboratory, Nara Science City, Japan


  1. Environmental-planning Theory Based on Human-brain Functions, Environmental Planning Laboratory, Kobe University, Japan




  1. Sc. Department of Psychology, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh


  1. Sc. (H) Department of Psychology, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh (Subsidiary Courses: a. Zoology, b. Military Science)
  2. S. C. Science Group, Govt. Suhrawardy College, Pirojpur (1982)
  3. S. C. Science Group, Govt. High School, Pirojpur (1980)


  1. International Award


Best Scientist Award, International Conference on Advances of Electrical, Electronic and System Engineering, 2016, Malaysia, (University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), & International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Italy).


  1. Position Hold


  1. Vice Chancellor (2022- ----), Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University, Pirojpur.


  1. Dean (2018-2020), Faculty of Life and Earth Sciences, Jagannath University, Dhaka.


  1. Chairman (2009-2015), Department of Psychology, Faculty of Life and Earth Science, Jagannath University, Dhaka.
  2. Member (2021-23), Jagannath University Syndicate, Jagannath University, Dhaka.


  1. Member (2009-19), Academic Council and Board of Advance Studies, Jagannath University, Dhaka.
  2. Member (2010-22), Board of Advance Studies, Jagannath University, Dhaka.


  1. President (2016), Jagannath University Teachers Association (JnUTA), Jagannath University, Dhaka.


  1. General Secretary (Ex) (2012), Jagannath University Teachers Association (JnUTA), Jagannath University, Dhaka


  1. Founder Member Secretary (2008-11), Jagannath University Teachers Association (JnUTA), Jagannath University, Dhaka.


  1. Executive Member (Ex) (2015), Jagannath University Teachers Association (JnUTA), Jagannath University, Dhaka.
  2. Member (2017-18), (All public universities), Bissobiddaloy Parishad, Agargaon, Dhaka.


  1. Executive Member (Ex) (2015-16), Federation of Bangladesh University Teachers Association (FBUTA), Dhaka.


  1. Treasurer (2011-2020), Central Executive Body, South Asian Association for Psychologists (SAAF), Dhaka.


  1. Vice-President (2018-2021), Central Executive Body, Bangladesh Psychological Association (BPA), Dhaka.


  1. Treasurer (Ex) (2011-2018), Central Executive Body, Bangladesh Psychological Association (BPA), Dhaka.


  1. President (2018-20), Jagannath University Blue Panel, Jagannath University, Dhaka.


  1. Vice President-1 (2011-12), Jagannath University Blue Panel, Jagannath University, Dhaka.


  1. Executive Member (2015), Jagannath University Blue Panel, Jagannath University, Dhaka.


  1. Presidium Member-1 (2010-now), Central Committee of Amra Muktijodhar Shantan, Dhaka.


  1. President (2015-2020), Corruption Prevention Committee (Anti Corruption Commission), Lalbug Area, Dhaka.


  1. Secretary (2011-2014), Corruption Prevention Committee (Anti Corruption Commission), Lalbug Area, Dhaka.
  2. Vice President (2013-2018), Pirojpur Govt. High School Alumni Association, Dhaka.
  3. Chief Advisor (2016), Consumer Rights Movement, Jagannath University Branch.
  4. Administrator/Director (2012), Transportation Department, Jagannath University, Dhaka.




25.  Member of Governing Body



  1. Shekh Fazilatunnesa Islamic Girls’ College, Mirpur 2, Dhaka.
  2. Dania College, Syedabad, Dhaka.
  3. Central Women’s’ College, Hatkhola, Dhaka.


  1. Position in Journal


  1. Founder Editor-in-Chief, Jagannath University Journal of Psychology (JnUJP) Faculty of Life and Earth Science, Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh


  1. Editor-in-Chief, Jagannath University Journal of Life and Earth Science (JnUJLES), Faculty of Life and Earth Science, Jagannath University, Dhaka


  1. Member Editor, Jagannath University Journal of Psychology (JnUJP) Faculty of Life and Earth Science, Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh


  1. Member, Board of Editors. Jagannath University Journal of Science (JnUJS) Faculty of Science, Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh


  1. Member, Board of Editors. National University Journal of Science (NUJS) Faculty of Science, National University, Gazipur, Bangladesh


  1. Member, Board of Editors. Jagannath University Journal of Life and Earth Science (JnUJLES), Faculty of Life and Earth Science, Jagannath University


  1. Associate Editor, Bangladesh Psychological Studies, (BPAJ) Bangladesh Psychological Association, Dhaka, Bangladesh


  1. Member of Advisory Board, Journal of Temporal Design in Architecture and the Environment, (JTDAE), Japan.


VII.   Personal Interest


Administrative   :      Educational Administration


Research                : Time Perception, Terrorism and Security, Auditory Perception, Noise Pollution,


Environmental and Health Psychology, Environmental Pollution, Psychology of Climate

Change, Psychology of Living Environment, and Educational Psychology, etc.




: Introduction to Psychology, Social Psychology, Organizational Behavior, Industrial Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Advanced Experimental Psychology, Educational and Ecological Psychology, Environmental Psychology, Environmental Management, etc.







Living with nature, birds and domestic animals.


VIII.   Research Funding/Grant


  1. Director (2009-2010). Source Identification of Environmental Noise in Relation to the Psycho-physical Health of Dhaka City. Ministry of Science and Information & Communication Technology, The Peoples Republic of Bangladesh.


  1. Director (2009-2010). Learning Situation in relation to the Environmental Noise in the Jagannath University Campus. Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh


  1. Director (2010-2011). Per-capita Pollution Measurement of Environmental Noise for the Dhaka City. Ministry of Science and Information & Communication Technology, The Peoples Republic of Bangladesh


  1. Director (2010-2011). A Comparative Study of Financing Higher Education at Public and Private Universities. Foundation for Research on Educational Planning and Development (FREPD), Dhaka, Bangladesh


  1. Director (2011-2012). Mental Health Measurement in Relation to the Academic Performance of the Students of Jagannath University. University grant Commission (UGC) Dhaka, Bangladesh


  1. Director (2011-2012). Mapping-out Strategy of Environmental Noise for the Dhaka City. Ministry of Science and Information & Communication Technology, The Peoples Republic of Banglades




  1. Alternative Sub-Project Manager (HEQEP) (2011–12). Advanced Teaching-Learning in Psychology (ATLP), Department of Psychology, Jagannath University. University grant Commission (UGC) Dhaka, Bangladesh


  1. Director (2009–10). Vertical Effects of Traffic Noise on the Mental Health in the High-Rise Building. University grant Commission (UGC) Dhaka, Bangladesh


  1. Director (2013–14). Academic Performance in Relation to the Psychosocial Health of the Students of Jagannath University. Jagannth University Development Project, Dhaka, Bangladesh


  1. Associate Investigator (2013-14). Assessment of Human and Social Security Status of Ready-mate Garment Workers in Bangladesh. Ministry of Science and Information & Communication Technology, The Peoples Republic of Bangladesh


  1. Chief Investigator (2015-16). Pathogenic Psycho-Social Causes behind the Illegal Immigration Tendency in Some Districts. Ministry of Science and Information & Communication Technology, The Peoples Republic of Bangladesh


  1. Chief Investigator (2015-16). Audio-visual Design in Respect to the Subjective Evaluation for a Standard lecture Room. Ministry of Education, The Peoples Republic of Bangladesh


  1. Chief Investigator (2015-16). Development of Terrorism in Bangladesh; Its Nature, Trends and Strategies: An analysis. Police Bureau of Investigation (PBI), The Peoples Republic of Bangladesh


  1. Director (2016–17). Attitude toward Terrorism Based on Demographic Variables. Jagannth University Research Fund, Dhaka, Bangladesh


  1. Director (2017–18). Terrorist Attitude based on Blood Group as Genotypic and Phonotypic Traits. Jagannth University Research Giant, Dhaka, Bangladesh


  1. Director (2017-18). Development and Dynamism of Religious Terrorism in Relation to the Geo-political Perspective of Bangladesh- An analysis. Police Bureau of Investigation (PBI), Bangladesh Police, The Peoples Republic of Bangladesh


  1. Director (2017–18). Terrorist Attitude based on Blood Group as Genotypic and Phonotypic Traits. Jagannth University Research Giant, Dhaka, Bangladesh


  1. Director (2018–19). Mental Health of Cancer Survivor Based on Disease Stages and Demography. Jagannth University Research Giant, Dhaka, Bangladesh


  1. Director (2019–20). Measuring Counter Attitudes as Security Alarm between Rohingya and Local People in Cox's Bazar. Jagannth University Research Giant, Dhaka, Bangladesh


  1. Director (2020–21). Psychological Intervention on the GDP Growth of Bangladesh, Jagannth University Research Fund, Dhaka, Bangladesh


  1. Director (2021–22). Covid-19 Induced Psychological Abnormalities in Relation to Audio-Visual Temporal Perception, Jagannth University Research Fund, Dhaka, Bangladesh


  1. Director (2022–23). Magnitude vs Frequency of Aggressive Behavior in Relation to the Biological Inheritance and Cultural Heritage, Social Science Research Council, Planning Division, Ministry of Planning


  1. Director (2022–23). Increasing Divorce as an Intense Result of Sexual Dissatisfaction: a comparative study in Dhaka City, Jagannth University Research Fund, Dhaka, Bangladesh


  1. Ph.D. Students Supervision


  1. Azizul Islam (Associate Professor of Psychology; University Grant Commission Fellow). Mental Health in Relation to the Perception of Crowding in the Dhaka City, Department of Psychology, Jagannath University (PhD, awarded).


  1. Soebur Reza Choudhury (Associate Professor of Psychiatry; MBBS). Intimate Partner Violence among Doctors Working as Teacher in a Medical College, Department of Psychology, Jagannath University (on going).


  1. Nafisa Hoque (Assistant Professor of Public Health; MBBS). The Role of Depression on incidence of other Chronic Diseases, Department of Psychology, Jagannath University (on






  1. Ahasanul Kabir (Medical Officer, MBBS). Effects of Mental Health on Surgical Wound Healing in Relation with Demographic Variables, Department of Psychology, Jagannath University (on going).


  1. Mahadi-Ul-Morshed. Occupational Mental Health and Safety Measures of Garments Industry in Bangladesh, Department of Psychology, Jagannath University (on going).


  1. Previous Teaching Experience


(Full-time Faculty)


  1. Professor (2012 – Continuous), Department of Psychology, Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bandladesh


  1. Associate Professor (2008 - 2012), Department of Psychology, Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bandladesh


  1. Associate Professor (2007-2008), (Undergraduate/Honors Level), Department of Psychology, Government M.C. College (affiliated with National University), Sylhet, Bandladesh


  1. Assistant Professor (2004-2006), (Undergraduate/Honors Level), Department of Psychology, Government Begum Badrunnessa College (affiliated with National University), Bakshibazar, Dhaka, Bandladesh


  1. Lecturer (2002-2004), (Masters and Undergraduate Levels), Department of Psychology, Government Eden College (affiliated with National University), Azimpur, Dhaka, Bandladesh


  1. Lecturer (1994-1997), (Masters and Undergraduate Levels), Department of Psychology, Government Jagannath College (affiliated with National University), Chittaranjan Road, Dhaka, Bandladesh


  1. Lecturer (1993-1994), (Masters and Undergraduate Levels), Department of Psychology, Government Rajshahi College (affiliated with National University), Rajshahi, Bandladesh


  1. Lecturer (1990-1993), (Undergraduate Level), Department of Psychology, Ideal College (affiliated with Dhaka University), Central Road, Dhaka, Bandladesh


(Part-time Faculty)


  1. Professor of Business Administration, Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP), Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka, Bangladesh


  1. Professor of Arts and Social Science (BA Honors in Philosophy), Bangladesh Open University (BOU), Dhanmondi, Dhaka, Bangladesh


  1. Associate Professor of Social Sciences (BA program, 2009-10), American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB), Banana, Dhaka, Bangladesh


  1. Assistant Professor of Psychology (BBA program, 2003–04), Asian University of Bangladesh (AUB), Dhanmondi, Dhaka, Bangladesh


(Faculty Offered)


  1. Faculty (Teaching Staff) (2004), Department of Psychology, University of California Riverside (UCR), USA.


  1. Publication of Full Paper


  • Research Publications Abroad 2020
  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Mental Health of Inhabitances in High-rise Building Related to Traffic Noise, Journal of Environmental Science (Submitted).


  1. Rahman Md Mostafizur and Kazi Saifuddin. Autistic Intensity in Relation to the Demografic Variebles of Parents, Archives of Neurology and Neurosurgery (ANN), USA, 2(1), 39-42.





  1. Asoke Kumar Saha, Kazi Saifuddin, Fatema-Tu-Zohora Binte Zaman, and Nishat Jahan Nisha. Mental Health Status of Infertile Women in Bangladesh, Universal Journal of Psychology, HR Publishing Corporation, USA, 3(2), 51-54.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin, Asoke Kumar Saha and Farjana Ahmed. Hemispheric Dominance of Auditory Temporal Perception in Human Brain. Vesnic, Russia.



  1. Asoke Kumar Saha, Kazi Saifuddin, Pijus Sarkar and Porimal Kumar. Assessment of Human


Security Status of Readymade Garments Workers in Bangladesh, Periyar University Journal of Psychology, India, 2(1 & 2), 91-100.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin, Hirouki Sakai and Yoichi Ando. Duration Sensation of Simulated Environmental Noise in Relation to its Autocorrelation Function, Journal of Sound and Vibration, AP / Elsevier (IF – 3.4), 241(1), 117-127.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin, Takaji Matsushima and Yoichi Ando. Duration Sensation when Listening to Pure tone and Complex Tone, Journal of Temporal Design in Architecture and the Environment, Japan, 2(1), 42-47.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin and Yoichi Ando, Duration Sensation when Listening to Bandpass Noise in


a Room, Journal of Temporal Design in Architecture and the Environment, Japan, 1(1), 27-32.


  1. Yoichi Ando, Kazi Saifuddin and Shin-Ichi Sato. Duration Sensation During Listening to Bandpass Noises, Journal of Sound and Vibration, AP / Elsevier (IF – 3.4), 250(1), 31-40.


  1. Yoichi Ando, Hiroko Tsuruta, Akio Motokawa, Takaji Matsushima and Kazi Saifuddin. Subjective Duration of Every Three-Year Periods for 3-18 Years of Age Estimated by Students, Journal of Human Ergology, Japan, 28, 33-37.


  • Research Publications Domestic 2020
    1. Shahadat Hossain, and Kazi Saifuddin. Cigarette Smoking Behavior in Relation to the

Levels of Anxiety, Depression and Stress. Jagannath University Journal of Psychology, (submitted).


  1. Shahinuzzaman, Md. Saidur Rashid Sumon, Kazi Saifuddin, and Jonaid Mia. Inter-parental Conflict and Using Social Media-induced Impulsivity among Adolescents, Jagannath University Journal of Life and Earth Sciences, 5(2), 122-130.


  1. Shahinuzzaman, Tasnia Akter Shiva, Md. Saidur Rashid Sumon, and Kazi Saifuddin. Mental Health of Women Brest Cancer Survivor Based on Disease Stages, Jagannath University Journal of Life and Earth Sciences, 5(1) 1-12.


  1. ASM Azizul Islam and Kazi Saifuddin. Mental Health Status in Relation to Perception of Crowding in Dhaka City, B L College Journal, 1(2), 205-214.


  1. Shamima Akter, Sanjida Khan, and Kazi Saifuddin. Mental Health Status of Jagannath University Students, Jagannath University Journal of Life and Earth Sciences, 4, 75-83.


  1. Nilima Bala Mondol and Kazi Saifuddin. Students’ Attitude towards Jagannath University:


As a function of their demographic characteristics and institutional facilities. Journal of Psychology.




  1. Nazmul Ahasan Khan, Kazi Saifuddin and Farjana Ahmed. Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Save Motherhood Among the Slum Women of Dhaka City. Jagannath University Journal of Life and Earth Science, 1(1), 68-76.


  1. Nazmul Ahasan Khan, Md. Shahinuzzaman, and Kazi Saifuddin. Medical Status of Pregnant Women in Specific Slum in Bangladesh. Jagannath University Journal of Life and Earth Science (submitted).


  1. Asoke Kumar Saha, Kazi Saifuddin and Noor Mohammad. Assessment of Social Security Status of Readymate Garment Workers in Bangladesh. Jagannath University Journal of Life and Earth Sciences, 1(1), 77-84.


  1. Nilima Bala Mondol, Farjana Ahmed, and Kazi Saifuddin. Relationship of Self-esteem with Social Support, Anxiety and Depression. Jagannath University Journal of Social Science, 4-5(1-2), 99-110.



  1. Kazi Saifuddin, Farjana Ahmed, Nazmul A Khan and Md. Nobi Nirobe. Compared Perception of Auditory Temporal Duration Between Two Different Stimuli. South-East University Journal of Science and Engineering, 7(1-2), 47-51.


  1. Asoke Kumar Saha, Kazi Saifuddin, and Ruma Shikder. Mental Health Status of Eve-Teased Girls between Pre and Post Counseling Sessions, Jagannath University Journal of Psychology, 4(1), 17-23.





























  1. Kazi Saifuddin, Asoke Kumar Saha, Noor Mohammad, and Farjana Ahmed. Psychophysical Health in Relation to the Perceived Annoyance to Environmental-noise Pollution. Jagannath University Journal of Psychology, 3(1), 9-16.


  1. Nepal C. Dey, Nazmul, A. Khan, Kazi, Saifuddin, Md. Samsuzzoha, and Seiji Hayakawa. Retrieving Leaf Area Index (LAI) of Different Forest Species from Landsat TM/ETM+ Imaginary. Dhaka University Journal of Earth & Environmental Sciences, 2(2), 9-14.


  1. Nazmul Ahasan Khan and Kazi Saifuddin. Knowledge and Attitude towards Consanguineous Marriage and Related Health Outcome. Jagannath University Journal of Psychology, 3(1), 27-32.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin. A Psychological Clock in the Auditory Sensory Process Accelerated by the Material Factors. Jagannath University Journal of Psychology, 2(1), 1-6.


  1. Asoke K. Saha, Ruma Sikder and Kazi Saifuddin. Effects of Individualism-Collectivism on Achievement Motivation. Jagannath University Journal of Psychology, 2(1), 59-68.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin, Noor Mohammad and Asoke Kumar Saha. Traffic Sources of Environmental-Noise Pollution in Respect to the Standards and Perception in the Dhaka City, Jagannath University Journal of Science, 1(1), 1-9.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin, Fatima-Tu-Johra Binte Zaman and Nazmul A Khan. Development Strategy Based on the Psycho-physical Processes of the Climate Change in Bangladesh, Journal of Public Service Commission,51, 19-29.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin, Nazmul A. Khan, and Md. Saiful Islam. Temporal Perception in Relation to the Slop of Acoustic Signals, AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, Dhaka, 10(1), 25-30.


  1. Asoke Kumar Saha and Kazi Saifuddin. Psychological Poverty among the Daily Wage Labors of Bangladesh. Itihas Probandhamala, Itihas Academy, Dhaka, 227- 233.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin. A Pioneering Approach to Engineering Psychology in Bangladesh. Jagannath University Journal of Psychology, 1(1), 1-10.


  1. Muhammad Akramuzzaman, Nazma Khatun and Kazi Saifuddin. Problem Solving Behavior of Male and Female Pre-adolescent Students in Different Types of Schools, Jagannath University Journal of Social Science, 1(1).




  1. Fatima-Tu-Johra Binte Zaman, Noor Mohammad and Kazi Saifuddin, Effect of Fin Angles on the Muller-Lyer Illusion when Presented Horizontally and Vertically. Jagannath University Journal of Psychology, 1(1), 61-68.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin. A Comparative Study of Financing Higher Education at Private and Public University. Foundation for Research on Educational Planning and Development (FREPD).


  1. Kazi Saifuddin, and Anwara S. M. Begum. Self-Actualization and Environmental- Behavior Modifications toward Climate Change. Development Compilation, 5(1), 7-21.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin, MD Shahinuzzaman, Md. Noor Mohammed and Md. Abdul Kader. Psychophysical Health in Relation to the Environmental-Noise Perception in Younger Versus Older Groups of People in Dhaka City, Journal of Life and Earth Science, 5, 81-84.



  1. 38. Kazi Saifuddin, I.M. Saiful and Nazmul A. Khan. A New Method for the Psycho-physical Evaluation of Environmental-Noise Pollution, International Journal of Bio-Research, 9(1), 34-37.


  1. Nazrul Islam, Nazmul A. Khan, Gias U. Ahasan and Kazi Saifuddin. Gender Disparities in Mental Health Status Among the School-going Adolescents of Dhaka, Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science, 16 (2), 151-158.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin and Abdul Basir. Psycho-philosophy of Catharsis Theory in Drama, Articles


a compilation volume of seminar papers, Centre for Advanced Research in Social Sciences, University of Dhaka, 6, 19-24 (in Bengali).


  1. Kazi Saifuddin, and I.M. Saiful. Digital Device for Psycho-physical Measurement based on the ACF, AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 8(1), 13-17.


  1. Noor Mohammed, Fatema-Tu-Zohra B. Zaman and Kazi Saifuddin. Effects of Sleep Deprivation on the Numerical and Mechanical Abilities of Adult Students, Bangladesh Psychological Studies, 19, 25-36.



  1. Nazmul A. Khan, and Kazi Saifuddin. A Study on Hospital Waste Management in Dhaka City. Integrated Development for Water Supply and Sanitation, WEDC, 25, 342-345.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin, Nazmul A. Khan and Khairul S.A.M. Bashar. Psycho-physiological and Cultural Impacts in the Degradation of Natural Environmental of Indigenous People, Indigenous People and Bangladesh Environment, 277-285.



  1. Kazi Saifuddin, Zahir Uddin Arif and Iran Mahmud. Psychological and Economical Impact of Man-Made Reformation of Natural-Revering System, South-East University Journal of Business Studies, 11(1), 121-133.



  1. Kazi Saifuddin. New Approach to the Thurstonian Law of Comparative Judgments. Bangladesh Psychological Studies, 14, 19-24.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin. A Theory of Sensory Dimension of Auditory Process. Bangladesh Psychological Studies, 13, 37-46.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Four Dimensional Standards of Traffic Noises in Dhaka City. Bangladesh

Environment 2002, 1, 128-133.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Differential Thresholds of Subjective Durations of Bandpass Noises and Complex Noises. Bangladesh Psychological Studies, 12, 37-42.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Relationship between Auditory-Evoked Potential and Subjective Duration in Respect of Sound Pressure Level. Bangladesh Psychological Studies, 11, 69-76.





  1. Kazi Saifuddin and Sakina Jahanara. Stipend Project of Female Education as a Reinforcing Agent. Report of the National Academy for Educational Management of Bangladesh, 43, 1-18.


XII.  Publication of Abstract, Seminar, Proceedings


(A) Publication of Thesis



  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Duration Sensation in Relation to the Autocorrelation Function of Sound Stimuli (Full text), Kobe University Repository Kernel, Kobe, Japan















  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Duration Sensation in Relation to the Autocorrelation Function of Sound Stimuli (Full text), Astrophysical Data System (Astrophysical Data System), National Aeronautic Space Agency (NASA), USA


  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Duration Sensation in Relation to the Autocorrelation Function of Sound Stimuli (as abstract), Journal of Acoustical Society of America (USA), 11(6), 2523


(B) Conference Proceedings (Abroad)


  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Mental Health in High-rise Building in Dhaka City. 9th International Symposium on Temporal Deign 2019. Osaka University, Osaka, Japan.


Kazi Saifuddin. Session Chair, Psychoacoustics and Noise Pollution. 9th International Symposium on Temporal Deign 2019. Osaka University, Osaka, Japan.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Perceived Time as a Function of Acoustic Factors Extracted from Autocorrelation Functions. International Symposium on Psychophysics: 35th Celebration on Fechner Day 2019. International Society for Psychophysics, Akdeniz University of Antalya, Turkey.




  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Hemispheric Evoked Potentials and Subjective Threshold of Auditory Stimuli for Human. International Symposium on Psychophysics: 34th Celebration on Fechner Day 2018. International Society for Psychophysics, Luphena University of Luneburg, Germany.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin and Md. Mostafizur Rahman. Autistic intensity in relations to the demographic variables of parents. 29th International Conference on Public Mental Health and Neuroscience. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health & Human Resilience (Skype presentation), Dubai, AUE.




  1. Psycho-Social Well-Being in Relation to the Psycho-Acoustic Factors Identified by Autocorrelation Functions. International Conference on Advances of Electrical, Electronic and System Engineering, 2016 University Kebangsaan Malaysia and International Center for Theoretical Physics, Italy. Putrajaya, Malaysia.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Auditory Temporal Perception of the Stimuli as Factors of Signal Processor. International Symposium on Psychophysics: 32rd Celebration on Fechner Day 2016.


International Society for Psychophysics, Moscow State University, Russia.



  1. Kazi Saifuddin, Nazmul A Khan, and Saiful M Islam. Self-Actualization and Environmental-Behavior Modifications toward Climate Change. China and the Global Climate Change: Reconciling International Fairness and Protection of the Atmospheric Commens, Lingnan University, Hong Kong.


































  1. Kazi Saifuddin, A New Theory of the Auditory Perception. 147th International Conference of the Acoustical Society of America, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 159, No. 5, 1465, 2pPP8, (New York Bay Sheraton) New York, USA.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin, Matsuchima Takaji, and Yoichi Ando, Duration Sensation when Listening to Complex Tones. 144th International Conference of the Acoustical Society of America, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 109, No. 5, 2465, 4pPP6, (Down Town Hilton) Chicago, USA.


  1. Yoichi Ando and Kazi Saifuddin. Duration Sensation During Listening to Bandpass Noises, 4th Japanese Swedish Noise Conference, Daga, Sweden.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin, Duration Experience of Simulated Environmental Noise in Relation to its Autocorrelation Function. 1st International Workshop on New Systems for Identification and Evaluation of Regional Environmental Noise, Kobe Chamber and Commerce, Japan.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin, “What is Sex” to You? The 4th Kobe University International Students’ Symposium, Kobe University, 36-41, Kobe, Japan.



(D) Conference Proceedings (Domestic):





















  1. Kazi Saifuddin, Effective of Traffic Noise on Human Mental Health in High-rise Buildings of Dhaka City, International Conference on Science and Technology for Celebrating the Birth Centenary of Bangabandhu (ICSTB-2021), Dhaka.


  1. ASM Azizul Islam and Kazi Saifuddin, Effective of Perceived Crowding on Mental Health in Dhaka City. BAPA-BEN Special Conference on Sustainable Development Goals, Dhaka.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin, Anti-Corruption Commission Bangladesh. BAnti-Corruption Commission (Corruption Prevention Program).


  1. Kazi Saifuddin, Mental Health and Psychological Support Service in Developing Countries. 3rd Bangladesh Clinical Psychology Conference. Bangladesh Clinical Psychology Society, Dhaka.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin, Psycho-physiological and Cultural Impacts in the Degradation of Natural Environment of Indigenous People. Indigenous People and Bangladesh Environment. Bangladesh Environment Movement (BAPA), Dhaka.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin, Environmental-Noise Perception in Relation with Psychological Health. 1st Bangladesh Clinical Psychological Conference. Bangladesh Clinical Psychological Association.




  1. Kazi Saifuddin, Psychological Impacts of the Artificial Revering System. International Conference on Regional Cooperation on Trans-boundary Rivers: Impact of the Indian River-Linking Project, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin, Round Table Workshop on the Preparing of “Noise-Pollution Control Ordinance - 2004”, National Press Club, Dhaka.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin, Annual Conference on Educational Development, Dhaka Commerce College.





  1. Kazi Saifuddin, Four Dimensional Standards of Traffic Noise in Dhaka City. 2nd International Conference on Bangladesh Environment, Bangladesh Environment Movement, Dhaka.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin, Post-Conference Workshop on Logical and Functional Frame Working for Environmental Health Programs in Bangladesh, BUET, Dhaka.



  1. Kazi Saifuddin, New Device for the Measurement and Evaluation of Environmental Noise


Pollution. 1st National Conference on Environmental Health. “Environmental Hazards Endangering Health in Bangladesh”, ICDDRB, 45, Dhaka


  • Special Seminar:
















  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Development and Dynamism of Religious Terrorism in Relation to the Geopolitical Perspective of Bangladesh- An Analysis. Development and Research Division, Police Head Quarter, Dhaka.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Development of Religion Terrorism in Bangladesh; Its Nature, Trends and Strategies: An analysis on the role of police in combating terrorism. Development and Research Division, Police Head Quarter, Dhaka.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin. 15-Years Travel of My Psychological Time Research, Department of Psychology, Jagannath University.












  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Duration Sensation in Relation to the Autocorrelation Function of Sound Stimuli, Department of Psychology, Jagannath University, Dhaka (under HEQEP).


  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Co-Chair of the Session, International Conference on Educational and Counseling Psychology, Dhaka University, Dhaka.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin and Abdul Basir. Cathersis in Drama- A Psychological Analysis, Center for Advance Social Science Studies, Lecture Theatre, University of Dhaka.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Critical Analysis of the Evaluation System of Higher Education, Dhaka Commerce College, Mirpur 1, Dhaka.


XIII.   Publication of Books


(A) Books (In English)












  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Schizophrenia– A Mental Disease. Anika Publisher, Banglabazar, Dhaka, pp 1-155.


  1. A S M Azizul Islam and Kazi Saifuddin. Mental Health and Crowding in Dhaka City. Jagannath University Press, Dhaka, pp 1-221.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin. An Introduction to HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY. Abir Publisher, Banglabazar, Dhaka, pp 1-272.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Environmental Planning Psychology. The Sky Publishers, Banglabazar, Dhaka, pp 1-159.


(B) Books (In Bengali):





  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Bangabandhu-Muktijudho (e½eÜz-gyw³h~×). Aleya Publication, 38/2ka Banglabazar, Dhaka, pp 1-271.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Experimental Psychology (cix¶Y g‡bvweÁvb). Abir Publication, 38/2ka Banglabazar, Dhaka, pp 1-210.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Nirbachita Probondho (wbe©vwPZ cÖeÜ). Marit FairPublication, 38/2ka Banglabazar, Dhaka, pp 1-155.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin (Ismat Ara Juli, Translator into Bengali). Environmental Planning Psychology (cwi‡ek-welqK cwiKíbvi gb¯Ívw˦KZv).The Sky Publishers, Banglabazar, Dhaka, pp 1-175.



  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Sheikh Mujib to Sheikh Hasina (†kL gywRe †_‡K †kL nvwmbv). Gyan Bitoroni, 38/2ka Banglabazar, Dhaka, pp 1-165.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin. My Essays Package (Avgvi cÖeÜ ¸”Q). Abir Publication, 38/2ka Banglabazar, Dhaka, pp 1-92.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Bangabondhu Muktijudho Bangladesh (e½eÜz I evsjv‡`k). Aleya Publication, 38/2ka Banglabazar, Dhaka, pp 1-372.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Clinical Psychology (wPwKrmv g‡bvweÁvb). Abir Publication, 38/2ka Banglabazar, Dhaka, pp 1-256.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Research Methodology (M‡elYv c×wZ). Abir Publication, 38/2ka Banglabazar, Dhaka, pp 1-310.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin (Ed.), Professor Dr. Shawkat Ara. Advance Social Psychology (D”PZi mgvR g‡bvweÁvb). Ghyan Bitoroni, 38/2ka Banglabazar, Dhaka, pp.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Practical Psychology (e¨venvwiK g‡bvweÁvb). Abir Publication, 38/2ka Banglabazar, Dhaka, pp.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Abnormal Psychology (A¯^vfvweK g‡bvweÁvb) (for post-graduate level). Abir Publication, 38/2ka Banglabazar, Dhaka, pp 1-351.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin (Ed.). Psychology (g‡bvwe`¨v). Aleya Book Dipot, 38/2ka Banglabazar, Dhaka.

















  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Upper Secondary Psychology (D”Pgva¨wgK g‡bvweÁvb) – 2nd National Curriculum and Text Book Board, Panjeri Publications, 16 Old Shantinagar, Dhaka.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Roles of Guardian Caring of the Children (mšÍvb jvjb cvj‡b Awffve‡Ki f~wgKv). Aleya Book Dipot, 38/2ka Banglabazar, Dhaka, pp 1-176.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin (Int), Md Eusuf Ali Shikder. Muktijudher Golpo Sonkolon- TOMADER NAM LEKHA ROBENA (gyw³hy‡×i Mí msKjY-‡Zvgv‡`i bvg †jLv i‡ebv). The Sky Publishers, 38/2ka Banglabazar, Dhaka, pp 1-352.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Outline of Thesis and Research (w_wmm I M‡elYvi iƒc‡iLv). Jhinuk Prokashoni, 38/2ka Banglabazar, Dhaka, pp 1-144.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Modern Psychology (AvaywbK g‡bvweÁvb). Aleya Book Dipot, 38/2ka Banglabazar, Dhaka, pp 1-456.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin (Ed.). Collected Stories of Liberation War (gyw³hy‡×i Mí msMÖn).Sky Publication, 38/2ka Banglabazar, Dhaka, pp 1-378.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Experimental Psychology and Research Methodology (cix¶Y g‡bvweÁvb I M‡elYv c×wZ). Abir Publication, 38/2ka Banglabazar, Dhaka, pp 1-224.





  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Abnormal and Clinical Psychology (A¯^vfvweK I wPwKrmv g‡bvweÁvb) (for post-graduate level). Abir Publication, 38/2ka Banglabazar, Dhaka, pp 1-224.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Childhood Memory in 1971 (evj¨¯§„wZ 1971). Aleya Book Dipot, 38/2ka Banglabazar, Dhaka, pp 1-64.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Upper Secondary Psychology (D”Pgva¨wgK g‡bvweÁvb) – 1st paper for 11th National Curriculum and Text Book Board, Panjeri Publications, 16 Old Shantinagar, Dhaka, pp 1-240.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Education System of Modern Japan (AvaywbK Rvcv‡bi wk¶v e¨ve¯’v). Kathashambhar, 38/2ka Banglabazar, Dhaka, pp 1-120.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Introduction to Psychology (g‡bvweÁv‡bi f~wgKv) (for non-major course). Azizia Book Dipot, 38 Banglabazar, Dhaka, pp 1-328.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Introduction to Psychology (g‡bvweÁv‡bi f~wgKv) (for honors course). Azizia Book Dipot, 38 Banglabazar, Dhaka, pp 1-308.


  1. Kazi Saifuddion. Abnormal Psychology (A¯^fvwe g‡bvweÁvb) (for Degree Course). Azizia Book Dipot, 38 Banglabazar, Dhaka, pp 1-208.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Theory of Abslute (cigZv ZË¡)Abir. Publication, 38/2ka Banglabazar, Dhaka, pp 1-72.


  1. Kazi Saifuddin. Introduction to Psychology (g‡bvweÁv‡bi f~wgKv) (for degree course). Psyche Publication (Dhaka Book Center), 38/2ka Banglabazar, Dhaka, pp 1-342.


XIV.  Training & Examinations




  1. Elementary Japanese Language Course (1997-98).

Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokushima, Tokushima, Japan


  1. Foundation Training Course (1997) of Bangladesh Civil Service, General Education. National Academy for Educational Management, Dhaka
  2. Basic Course (1995) of Rover Scout Unit Leader.

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka

  1. Counseling and Psychotherapy (1992).

Centre for Psycho-Social Research and Training, Dhaka

  1. Mental Retardation (1986).

Care and Education for the Mentally Retarded Children, Rajshahi


  1. International English Language Testing System (2005 – BD001, 012020). British Council, Dhaka


  1. Senior Scale Examination of Cadre Service (2003. 3 papers). Public Service Commission, Dhaka


  1. Departmental Examination of Cadre Service (1997, 3 papers). Public Service Commission, Dhaka.


  1. Bangladesh Civil Service Examination (1993, General Education). Public Service Commission, Dhaka




  1. Learned Society















International Society for Psychophysics, Germany




Acoustical Society of America, USA

[Ex-Stud. Member]



Centre for Asia Pacific Exchange, Honolulu, USA

[Former Member]


Journal of Tem. Dy. in Archt. & Env.  Japan

[Former Member]



Tokushima International Association, Japan

[Former Member]


Tokushima University International Students





Alumni Association Bangladesh, Japan

[Vice President]


YMCA, Kobe, Japan

[Former Member]


Centre for Community Development and Research, UK




South Asian Association for Psychologists


10. SIVUS International



Timing Research Forum, Germany



IEEE, Malaysia



International Assoc. for Philosophy of Time, France








Bangladesh Bishobiddaloy Parishad




Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Bangladesh

[Life Member]



Bangla Academy, Dhaka, Bangladesh

[General Member]



Bangladesh Psychological Association, Bangladesh

[Life Member]



Bangladesh Clinical Psychological Association

[Assoc. Member]



BCS General Education Association, Bangladesh

[Former Member]



Bangladesh Environment Movement (BAPA), Bangladesh

[Life Member]



Bangladesh Rover Scout Leader, Bangladesh

[Life Member]
